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Theme Website Design

Quick and easy website designs that get the ball rolling fast, while saving you money.

When custom is not an option, either due to budget or time limitations, there is no need to count yourself out of a great website design. We can then use theme website designs as a starting point to enhancing your online presence. Think of these themes as a blueprint to the content and navigation structures of your website, but we can still integrate your brand into it by tweaking the color scheme, adding your logo, and eliminating any unnecessary options that most themes include.

Theme Website Design is Quick & Easy

Template website design, simple and easy. If all your business needs is a website that establishes your brand on the web and is a go to for customers to learn more about your company then a template website design is probably a solid solution.

What is a theme website design exactly? It is basically a pre-designed website that allows you to fill in content specific to your business.

However, when partnering with us, we want to make sure that your brand is represented well online; so we take things  step further. We add your logo and are able to change color schemes or font styling to make your template website unique.

Theme websites are a great option for start-up businesses with limited capital, or even for established businesses that just need a place on the web where their customers can go and learn more.

The Theme Process

With thousands of great themes to choose from, the investment in your website design could be reduced dramatically by going with a template design. Not only is the selection endless, there are some outstanding designs to choose from. The potential savings attained by finding a theme that fits your needs warrants the effort to at least look into it. In the end we may determine that a custom website design is best for your needs, but it's smart to rule out the theme option first.

Is a theme right for your website? Based on your business or organization's specific needs a pre-designed website may or may not be a viable option for your site. Here are some important questions to ask yourself before moving forward with a template website.

  • What content do you need on your website? (i.e. blog, products, bios, maps, etc.)
  • What functionality is needed to make your website more efficient and drive better results? (i.e. eCommerce, application development, etc.) What are your branding needs?
  • Can we find a theme that meets your branding requirements with some minor tweaking?

The important things to remember when looking for the right theme:

  • View the theme as a well-designed wireframe, as we'll brand the theme to fit your business during the Design/Prototyping phase of the project.
  • Have an idea of all the pages needed prior to theme shopping. If you choose a theme that can only accommodate 3 of the 10 page layouts you need, we really aren't saving any time or money by going the theme website design route. Sure, we'll save some on the initial framework, but the time to customize the other 7 layouts will eat up that savings in a hurry. It's much easier to design from scratch and slice than it is to customize an existing template.
  • Pay particular attention to the gadgets and cool little add-ons (sliders, tabs, progress bars, etc.) that come with the website theme. Many times we'll want to pull these items into a page template and format a particular piece of content with it.
  • Responsive themes are the most flexible as we aren't forced to place components in predefined slots on a page. I.e. main content area widgets function just as nicely on the right bar.
  • Navigation. Have an idea how your sitemap is going to layout and whether the navigation provided by the theme will accommodate your framework. This is a deal breaker unfortunately! If the navigation is not what you need, move to the next theme.

Once we have selected a theme that is going to get us 85% of the way through the design process, it's time to customize and make your own. During this process we are going to want to pay particular attention to:

  • Pages layouts that are missing from the default theme options. We'll need to determine if we can piece meal the page together with theme components, or if it is something that needs to be designed from scratch using the theme motif as a standard.
  • Content Placement. The theme obviously doesn't come withe content we  need for your site, so let's start marking up the pages with notes as to what content will reside in each area of the page layout. If there are sections of the page layout that we do not need (i.e. don't need portfolio on home page), then we just cross that section out.

Partner for Theme Website Design

Who you choose to design your theme website is more important than you might think. A few checklist items to help in your decision making process might include:

Look for a team that can balance creativity, functionality, usability, and search engine friendly elements, all while being budget conscious. Work with a dedicated account manager that will serve as your go-to person for questions, concerns, or new opportunities regarding your theme website design and Internet marketing. This account manager should work closely with you to learn as much about your business and operations as possible, so they can tailor solutions to fit your specific needs.