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Jun 12, 2014

3 Things You Need To Generate Leads From Your Blog

No matter how many blogs you write for your company, it can be challenging to actually gain readers. Alexandra Skey, blog writer for, an Inbound marketing company, writes, “The 3 Essential Ingredients You Need To Attract Qualified Leads From Blogging”.

Even if your company follows a solid Internet marketing strategy including blogs, promote your content on a regular basis and captures leads via email campaigns, how do you make sure you’re attracting people who are actually likely to become your customer?

Attracting qualified leads is crucial to getting customers online — here are the 3 most important things you need to make happen while blogging.

Signpost "Lead Generation"

Educate Readers On What You Do

If a person lands on your website’s homepage, they will probably easily understand what kind of company you have. However, if they arrive on your blog, will they know that?

To make sure all visitors to your blog page know exactly what your company does, add a small profile on your sidebar with a clarification of what your company does. This isn’t exactly a chance to get your readers to sign up for you email list, rather it’s a chance to introduce your company and engage readers.

Write For Your Audience’s Needs

Writing a blog for your company is all about getting quality visitors who are interested in what you offer, whether it’s selling a product or a service. As a smaller business, this may mean your blog won’t have high traffic. That’s okay. It’s better to have 50 customers than 10,000 likes.

Focusing on what you think your customers would like to read will help you create relevant content, which is key to attracting qualified leads.

Showcase Your Success

Even if your blog clearly indicates what your company does, and you write relevant content that targets your customers’ needs, how do your potential customers know you’re any good?

How can you create enough trust through your blog that gives them the confidence to either buy your product/service?

Showcase your success from past clients.

Proof and validation will go a long way to helping you create trust. Try including testimonials to your blog or by including them at the bottom or sidebar of your posts, as long as they’re visible to someone who’s engaging in your content.

Case studies and quoted responses from past clients is another way to showcase and highlight your work. It’s helpful to add images to the case studies, as they help people visualize who that happy customer is.

The main takeaway is not to obsess over traffic. Be more focused on leads. And once you get them, make sure you’re doing everything you can to convert your leads into actual customers. If you’d like more assistance for your Internet marketing needs, let’s get in touch, we’re here to help you.

Read the full article by Alexandra Skey.