Five Techwe are
Feb 26, 2014

5 Best Internet Marketing Blogs to Follow

A lot of us at Five start our mornings with a strong cup of coffee and a good article. Being online marketing consultants we naturally replaced the newspaper with blogs. We try to incorporate a variety of blogs on a variety of topics, including website design, Internet marketing, and website development.

Reading blogs daily, or even weekly, can be a great way to stay on top of the latest trends in Internet marketing and get great advice to improve your SEO efforts. Even little things can help your website succeed online.

Below our five of our favorite Internet marketing blogs. These are great daily reads for businesses and organizations to glance at to learn more about SEO and search engine marketing, and to stay up to date with the latest and greatest trends.

Moz Blog

Moz is an Internet marketing powerhouse in the industry. They don’t do consulting work, but they provide businesses and marketing consultants the tools they need to succeed better online.

moz logoThey are very knowledgable in the SEO industry and are a great resource for consultants and any type of business looking to enhance their web presence.

The Moz Internet marketing and SEO blog provides tips, tricks, and advice for improving websites and doing better search, social, content, and analytics.

Moz has a few different blogs within its site, each serving a different purpose. YouMoz is a user generated blog. Anyone can submit a blog post or article, and if Moz sees the value in it, they will publish it. Rand’s Blog is courtesy of Moz’s highly recognized CEO Rand Fishkin. The Dev Blog is written by Moz’s software developers, which can get real technical real quick. Our favorite blog on Moz is the Moz Blog, which is everything Internet marketing.

HubSpot Inbound Marketing Blog

HubSpot is another inbound marketing leader, similar to Moz. They have provide a variety of tools to increase your online conversion rates and drive your inbound marketing efforts.

HubSpot Inbound Marketing

They provide a lot of great paid tools that businesses and marketers can use, but they also provide a lot of free tools and marketing templates through their marketing blog.

The HubSpot Marketing Blog posts daily articles about Internet marketing, SEO, social media marketing, content marketing and more.

Search Engine Watch SEO Blog

Search Engine Watch is a portal website for all things search engine marketing. They have various blogs on industry news, SEO, PPC, analytics, social media marketing, local search marketing, and more.

All of these blogs have a great material to improve your online marketing efforts. We would highly suggest taking a look at all of them every once in awhile to stay up with the latest stories in all things Internet marketing.

For the purpose of this post, we would suggest following the SEO Blog. This blog provides some great information on the latest trends in search engine optimization and keeps you up to date on Google’s latest algorithm updates.

KISSmetrics Marketing Blog

Now I don’t know this for sure, but I am guessing that the KISS in KISSmetrics stands for the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid.

The KISSmetrics Marketing Blog provides simple tips, tricks, and tools to improve your Internet marketing efforts. It is simply a online marketing blog that provides its readers with info graphics, webinars, marketing guides, and SaaS (software as a service) guides.

These graphics and guides will help educate you on the necessities of Internet marketing, and make it simple enough for you to enhance your website’s web presence.

Google Analytics Blog

Google. Isn’t that reason enough to follow this blog. Google is, and most likely always will be THE search engine on the web. Why not learn about search engine analytics straight from the horse’s mouth?

Google provides articles on all thing analytics, from beginner tips to advanced advice, you can definitely find an article that relates to you and your Internet marketing needs at the Google Analytics Blog.


We highly suggest subscribing to this blog to stay up to date with Google’s latest analytic tools, tips, and search engine updates.

We follow a lot of blogs on a variety of different industry topics, but these are by far the ones that we find most beneficial for getting tips and staying up to date on Internet marketing tactics.

If you’re looking for great content to improve your online marketing efforts follow these blogs. They will give you the advice you’re looking for to improve your website’s presence on the web.