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May 28, 2014

5 Things NOT to do on Twitter

One of the most difficult aspects of learning about Internet marketing is that you have little ability to distinguish cold-hard facts from marketing fluff. You want to absorb as much information as possible without having to fact check every article you read on new marketing techniques.

Unfortunately, in the social media marketing space, you’ll find a lot of “get rich quick” type schemes — but some of those “tips” and “tricks” people peddle won’t actually work, and in some cases will hurt your marketing efforts more than help them.

If you’re looking to get the low-down on what works on Twitter — and more importantly, what doesn’t work — continue on my friend. Below are the most shockingly bad suggestions for building your brand on Twitter.

Twitter Marketing Do's and Dont's

1.  Try the follow, pause, unfollow trick.

Here’s an easy way to get new followers:  Take advantage of people’s sense reciprocity… NOT!

There’s a quick tip floating around the web saying that to get more followers, you should follow random Twitter users, because they will want to be polite, they will reciprocate and follow you back. You would then wait a few days until they have followed you back, then unfollow those random users. This process continues (typically assisted by some automated tools) until you decided you had enough of a following.

Have you heard of a more awful way to gain followers? Yeah you would send up with a lot of followers, but think about the quality of that follower base. Those people that you essentially tricked into following your brand aren’t the type that’ll want to engage with your business, read your posts, click through to your website, become quality leads, and maybe even become a customer. Especially, if they realize they were scammed into following you in the first place.

If you start off your Twitter strategy with playing tricks like this, you are setting yourself up for failure. Instead, focus your efforts on organically expanding your presence on Twitter.

2.  Buy followers.

Buying followers is big no-no in the social media marketing world. People think that the number of followers is the only number that matters when building their brand on Twitter, but it’s not. If you’re buying followers, chances are—just like in the tip above—that they are not quality followers. A large quantity of followers does not convert to increased website traffic, lead generation, and customers. Again, focus on gaining your follower-base organically, and using Twitter to engage with people actually interested in your brand and drive them through your conversion funnel.

3.  Hashtag everything!

First, what is a hashtag? Do you remember the pound sign your cordless phone? Well, now that’s a hashtag (#), made famous by Twitter. A hashtag indicates a topic that your tweet is regarding. Twitter can keep track of trending topics through monitoring these hashtags to see what people are talking about.
Hashtags help you get in front of audiences that are interested in specific topics. So, why not bulk up your tweets with as many related hashtags as possible? This would definitely increase the number of people reading your tweets, right?
Do NOT do this. Don’t do it simply because it doesn’t work. A report from Salesforce revealed that tweets with one or two has tags received 21% higher engagement than those with three or more hashtags. This means that you’re way better off including one relevant hashtag to your tweet than overloading it with several.

4.  Send auto direct messages.

Some people justify sending auto direct messages (DMs) by saying that they help start personal conversations. However, there is nothing personal about it. It’s just a mass message sent to anyone who follows you. Trust me, as someone who has received plenty of these messages, it feels like that. There’s no personalization, no specific information used for each follower, it’s just one standard message sent to hundreds/thousands/millions of people. If you don’t stay away from sending out these messages, you will most likely get un-followed by the recipients.

5.  Auto-publish tweets on other social channels.

Yes, auto-publishing your tweets to other platforms may save you time, but it will not help your brand. Do not post your tweet on other social platforms (manually or automatically) unless it is written appropriately for the other platform. For example, if your tween contains hashtags or the @username sign, remove them for posting on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Also, you should remember that the tone of each platform is different.
Every social networking platform has its own etiquette, terminology, and cultures. If you think of Facebook as one big living room, Twitter is one big cocktail party. So, strive to be personable but avoid overly personal topics on Twitter. Our suggestion is to stay focused on content and write engaging tweets, while retweeting other relevant topics to your industry.