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Jul 30, 2014

5 Things NOT To Do On Your Company’s Social Media

Having your personal social media accounts on Facebook or Twitter can be a fun social outlet for you to connect and share photos, thoughts, and humorous memes with your followers and friends. Your company can also benefit from social media, however, in a much different way. Social media is a perfect outlet for your company’s marketing tactics as it reaches a very wide audience. Social media marketing is huge with marketers and advertisers, and it isn’t just a fad. Make sure you’re doing it the right way.

It’s fun to gain followers on your company’s social media accounts because it shows that people are interested in what you have to say on a regular basis. In order to be the best in your social media, here are five things NOT to do on social media.

1. Don’t Mix Your Personal Account With Your Business Account

This can happen in different ways. The obvious one is that sometimes you may think you’re logged on your own account, when actually you’re on your business one. This leads to #2.

2. Keep Your Personal Opinions off Your Business Social Media

Your personal opinions are just that — personal. They shouldn’t represent your business. Posting updates that are controversial opinions such as politics or any controversial subject is a huge risk that can hurt your business far more than it may help. Keep your posts friendly, informative, and engaging with readers. Don’t spark anything that will risk a bad image with your brand.

3. Do Not Engage, Argue or Criticize Any Competitor, Client, Employee, etc.

Remember the golden rule you learned as a young kid: treat others as you would want to be treated. If a customer wants to air an issue with your product/service on one of your social media pages, ask if you can take the conversation off-site. If someone is posting offensive or angry comments because they want to get a rise out of you, don’t engage. You would be surprised at how quickly people go away if you don’t ‘feed’ them. As said earlier, always keep your posts informational and with a friendly tone. If you do need to discuss issues with a poster, perhaps a verbal phone call would be a better solution.

4. Try to Engage, Not Sell.

Social media is all about giving a face and personality to your brand, building a level of comfort, and engagement. While the ultimate goal is to get your audience to buy, social media is not necessarily the platform to do that. What social media will do, however, is guide them toward your website and the sales pipeline.

5. Don’t Stop Posting Interesting and Relevant Content

Silence is deathly. The whole point of social media is just that — to be social. You will gain an audience over time if you continue to post. However, you can’t post just anything. Post content that rings true to your brand and what you think readers would actually be interested in and could benefit from. Keep potential customers interested and they will continue to make their way to your website.