Five Techwe are
Apr 1, 2014

A Responsive Web Design Drives Traffic to Your Website Because…

Businesses that do not have a responsive web design yet are most likely failing to reach a lot of potential customers. They may even be losing quality visitors.

A responsive web design will help you attract more visitors. Not having an adaptive website might even be hurting your business. Here’s why:


You Need to be Optimized for Mobile Use

Mobile internet access is increasing every day. Chances are that many of your current and potential customers are accessing your site via a smartphone or tablet.

A responsive web design tailors your website for these types of users by adapting to different screen sizes. Your content will still be there, it is just re-arranged to fit a smaller screen.

If your website is not responsive, those users will most likely run into issues with text being too small, image distortion, or your website might not show some content at all. This means mobile visitors will not be drawn to your website.

Responsive Web Design Provides a Great User Experience

Responsive web design will cure all of the issues mentioned above, providing for a better user experience. By implementing a responsive design, you are assuring that all of your content is consistent and available on any device.

Unlike having a separate mobile site you won’t run into issues like duplicate content, incorrect redirects and awkward page templates that look different on every platform.


An adaptive website provides a consistent look and feel and a better user experience. This will attract more visitors and can even lead to a higher conversion rate.

Your Marketing Needs to be Mobile

Businesses want and need to reach as many customers in their target market as possible. A responsive web design effortlessly integrates your Internet marketing campaigns onto all devices.


Your message and marketing material will be consistent on desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. This means you are reaching all types of consumers, thus attracting more visitors.

Search Engines Like Responsive Design

Google and Bing have both validated responsive web design as a standard on the web. They even feature responsive sites in search engine result pages, as well as local search results.

search engine ranking

By implementing a responsive web design, you are gaining better visibility on the web and potentially more exposure in your local community.

This means more visitors to your website, locally and globally.

Responsive Design Keeps Your Website Relevant

Some businesses are stubborn, but refusing to improve your outdated website design can really hurt your business. You lose visitors and have a decreased opportunity of attracting new ones.

Building a professional website with a responsive design enhances the user experience keeps your website looking great on the modern web. Keeping up with the latest trends and web standards is a fantastic way to get more customers.

The Time is Now!

It is not enough to just have a website anymore. Yes, you need a beautifully designed website that represents your brand and its offerings.

However, you need to make sure that this site works on all platforms. From laptop to smartphone, you need to get your message across on the web.


If you haven’t already, it’s time to make your website responsive. It will get you more visitors, more conversions, and better results.