Five Techwe are
Mar 1, 2009

Best Buy Meshes Online Reviews With Offline Marketing

customer-reviews-5-starsI came across a great example of online marketing and offline marketing working together over the weekend. We often see traditional marketing driving people to the web, but I found something different going on. I found online marketing elements being put to use offline.

I’m old school on Sunday mornings and almost always head out to buy the Sunday paper (Star Tribune) to read while having breakfast. As a gadget and tech guy, I usually look forward to the Best Buy insert.

As I flipped through the first pages and entered into the TV section I was intrigued by what I saw. A main focus of the TV’s featured were their customer review rating from
Below is the newspaper insert.

online reviews best buy

You can see as circled above that each of the three TV’s highlights a review quote and their average customer review rating. Online reviewers are supplying a piece of the feature/benefits for these products. Best Buy is leveraging the mass approval of these products having a 4.7 star or higher average to win trust and product confidence.

Small Business Review Idea
It also started me thinking of how local business reviews could be leveraged by small businesses. An auto repair shop could communicate their “Over 50 Positive Reviews on Google” to build instant credibility. The ability to position the consumer opinion to sell for you is an interesting one. The crew at Precision Auto Repair out in California could use customer quotes and their 5 star rating to it’s advantage offline (and on their website!).


Have you seen other examples of this? This Best Buy use is the first I’ve seen and I think it’s pretty cool. I would guess a few others have done it too. It really speaks to the change in marketing we continue to see as consumers and marketers.