Five recently designed and implemented a custom website for a ranch real estate broker in Houston, Texas. RanchLand Network is a premier sporting and ranch property brokerage. Keep reading to learn more about this great addition to our web design portfolio.
RanchLand Network approached us to enhance its online presence. It needed a way to display its ranch and sporting properties and its team of real estate agents. Our solution was to create a custom website design and implement some custom website development to make it functional.
First things first, the design. Every online success story begins with a great website design. RanchLand Network wanted a way to showoff their properties with photography right off the bat. So, we made sure the design included a large hero image that took up the top fold.
This image would rotate with featured properties and contained a brief overview of each. Users could then click on the overview to learn more about that specific property.
The design was pretty simple from a layout standpoint. Large hero image, highlighted content below, a newsfeed, and a google map. But what really brought this website to life was the custom graphic design work.
The wood and leather textures along with the southwestern line work on the icons and title bars really gave a great look and feel to the site, but also represented the RanchLand Network brand.
It is a Texas company that is proud of its heritage, so we made that shine through on the custom website design.
We designed a few different page types for this website. The homepage, which you saw above, a property preview page that displays a list of properties with a short description and thumbnail image, a property details page that displays a photo gallery and more information on a specific property, an agent preview page, and an agent profile page.
The next step was to build out the website into our content management system (CMS) and begin the custom website development work.
We needed to create a way for RanchLand Network to easily add, edit, and delete properties. So we implemented an enhanced property listings plugin.
This allowed RanchLand Network to add all the crucial information to their property listings. Admins could add basic information like price, size, description, and photos.
They could also add more detailed information like address, coordinates, SEO information, and even associate each property to specific pages or agents. The address and coordinates would auto generate a Google map with a custom pin on the property details page and the homepage.
The listings plugin is fed through a XML feed from an existing MLS database that RanchLand Network was using. The listings are auto generated based on the XML feed information and fed into the new site.
RanchLand Network can then use the listings plugin to enhance each property by adding other information, SEO info, and images.
Between the XML feed and enhanced property listings plugin, this website will make RanchLand Network more efficient and more marketable.
We developed a custom agents plugin, which allows RanchLand Network to easily add and manage its agents.
Each agent has a profile page, which is filled from information from the agents plugin. This allows buyers to get to know the agent they are working with via the website.
We also developed a custom Google Map, that takes the agent’s address or coordinates and drops a pin on the Agent’s Map for users to easily find an agent near them.
Overall, this turned out to be a great website design that will enhance RanchLand Network’s online presence, display their property listings, and generate them more leads. The next step for RanchLand Network will be to implement some advanced Internet marketing tactics.