Five Techwe are
Jul 7, 2008

Does Twitter Belong On Your Business Card?

When getting new business cards to start 2008 I added my Skype ID to my listing of contact information on my business cards.  I use Skype quite a bit, it’s one more way to connect with me, so it made sense.  Now that I have been growing addicted to Twitter, I think that having my Twitter ID  on my business card would be an even better idea.

My main value in Twitter currently is networking and following other great business, web design and Internet marketing minds.  As Twitter continues to grow  in the mainstream, I hope to utilize it as a touch-point and educational tool with my clients and potential clients.  These reasons lead me to think that my next reprint of business cards later this year will have my Twitter ID on it.  (AaronWeiche)

Here is a mock-up of my current business card with my Twitter info replacing where my current Skype info is.

Business Card Front:

Business card with Twitter

Business Card Back

Business Card back web design

Are you considering adding your Twitter ID or do you already have it on your business card?  Maybe you heavily utilize another web service like Facebook, LinkedIn or an IM.  What about those?