Five Techwe are
Feb 26, 2010

Email Marketing Reports On Your iPhone, Android & BlackBerry

How about making something great, even better?  Five has always been proud of our feature rich email marketing service and now campaign reports can hit the palm of your hand when you want them.

View your email marketing reports on your iPhone, Android or newer BlackBerry mobile phone.

email marketing reports iPhone

One of our latest email marketing reports on my iPhone.

A Feature Rich Email Marketing Service
This latest addition of mobile reports is just one more reason clients are often blown away by what Five can offer with our email services. While baseline services like Constant Contact are better than blasting email out of your Outlook, our tool is a complete and robust offering.

Here are just some aspects of our email marketing offering:

  • Custom e-letter or e-offer designs
  • Web based management tools to give you control
  • List building, management & segmentation features
  • Pay as you send, no monthly fees
  • Service & support from Five, you have a partner!
  • Full reporting, Google Analytics integration
  • And now, mobile phone report access

Email marketing is a great customer relationship tool and if you are looking for a better service, stronger reporting tools or just want to finally get started, we can help.  Give Five a shout and let’s discuss email marketing.