Five Techwe are
May 13, 2008

Email Marketing: You Spent Dollars To Get Them, Spend Cents To Keep Them

We all know the high cost of attracting a customer or client to use our services or buy our products the first time. It’s not cheap. So with all that work and investment, doesn’t it make sense to spend a few cents on keeping them? It sure does.

Thats why Email Marketing rocks.

  • Affordable communication with your customers – just pennies per!
  • Branded marketing or information right to their inbox
  • A fantastic “touch-point” to stay in their mind, in front of their eyes
  • Tracking! What was opened, what was clicked … the data is there

Business of every size and type can leverage email marketing to it’s advantage. Just this past week while eating lunch at Quiznos my table was fixed with a table sign and sign-up pad for their email marketing. Just tell them a bit about you, drop a business card to them and you could even win $500. Why? Because the permission to interact with you is worth far more than that!

email marketing offers

Right now is always the right time to start an email marketing program … so stop holding off and let’s get you started today.

If you need a bit more info or another perspective, try these recent blog posts on email marketing: