Five Techwe are
May 20, 2008

Making A Company Overview Video For Your Website

Video, video ,video … it’s a hot topic.  But how can your small business use Internet video?

A company overview video is a great way to bring more to the table on explaining and showing who you are, what you do and how you do it.  Your website visitors are engaged with visual and audio instead of just reading text and viewing photos/graphics.  Here are just a few of the basic items you can cover and include for your own company overview video:

  • Show the personality of your company, the faces of the talent inside your walls
  • Talk to the levels and capabilities you offer
  • Outline the  uniqueness of your company
  • Showcase specific skills or past projects
  • Outline the process of working with your company

These are just a few ideas.  This video can also be used offline as well for trade shows, exhibits, sales DVD’s and more.  You can also leverage you video and optimize it for the search engines.

Below are some screenshots from our video shoot in our offices last week as we are currently in production of our own company overview video.  We aim to show how we are a fantastic Minnesota web design firm that can bring creativity and function to any business website.  Stay tuned as we hope to launch the finished product in the coming weeks.

web design video

web design video internet

company overview video

small business internet video clip