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May 30, 2014

Making an Exceptional eCommerce Website

When it comes to creating an eCommerce website, there may be some challenges regarding the design and usability of the site. Sites that do sell products online need a website that promotes their products and is easy for everyone to use. If you are just starting out, don’t worry, follow these tips for creating an superb eCommerce website. Don’t expect to become rich overnight, as long as you implement these tips and be patient, you should eventually see profits coming in.


eCommerce websites need to be easy to navigate

When you are selling products or services to online customers, it is important that they can easily navigate through the website. They need to be able to find the products they’re looking for, read the information, and efficiently checkout the product. If customers cannot navigate around your website, they will leave. Lost visitors = lost sales. Therefore, you need to have a website that is friendly and easy to use for a wide range of customers. Use test groups to try out your new website before launching it to the public. Usability ultimately effects you search engine rank, and it is important to fix any user experience issues fast.

Simple, yet effective website design is best

Don’t forget that you’re selling products, not your website’s design. Therefore, the layout and template should not take away from your products or services in any way. Having an effective design will mean that your business will grow too. Having something decorative yet simple is best so the visitor’s mind is always on what they can buy from you. Depending on your branding needs, a theme website design might be a suitable option to achieve a simple, yet effective design (it will also save you time and money.)

Showcase your best products first

Every eCommerce website has a product that they would consider their “best”. Make sure you have a way to feature these types of products on your website. Having these products may also lead customers to other related products on the website. This featured section should be updated regularly and keep to the seasons.


Implement an easy checkout system

If your checkout process involves multiple steps that will be confusing to shoppers, they will abandon their carts and move on to something else. Don’t make people sign up for an account just to check out. User experience is very important for your rank and success of your website. Carts that are abandoned are done so because shoppers don’t want to create an account just to buy from an eCommerce website.

Always promote your related products

When a customer is viewing products on your website, they should also be directed toward other related products somewhere on the same page. This can encourage the customer to stay on your site longer, increasing the likelihood that they will buy from you, but it’s also a non-pressuring way to sell more products.


Brand your online storefront with your logo

Logos are useful for people to clearly recognize and associate with your brand. This helps customers feel comfortable and confident shopping with you because they know your brand. Use this logo on your social media, your prints and publications, as well as your eCommerce website to build trust among customers.

Great images improve the shopping experience

Always use clear and captivating photographs on your eCommerce website. You can display the product or service with a model as well as on its own. The more detail a customer can see in a product or service, the more likely they are to buy it. Because people are shopping online, they want their shopping experience to be as real as possible to if they were actually seeing it in person.

Create a website design to match what you’re selling

Overall, your website design should match the products you are selling. Remember to appeal to the shopper who will buy your products. A website selling baby products is going to have a much different layout than a website selling Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Feature blog posts on your website

Use blogs to help drive more traffic to your eCommerce website, but making sure you’re linking your eCommerce site to the blog. Buyers’ guides can be very useful with online shoppers, because it tells them exactly what to look for and how to purchase the things they want. You should add buyers’ guides to your eCommerce site to help push customers in the right direction. Other times, offering free information through a buyer’s guide can convince an online shopper to buy from you versus the competition.

Your promotions should standout on your site

Customers are easily attracted to promotions, markdown, sales, and especially free shipping. Therefore, use these to encourage more conversions on your company’s website. Your promotions should be clear and easy to find somewhere on the homepage and every other page of your customer’s shopping experience. Be clear with the conditions of the promotion — such as free shipping on orders over $75.



Shopping Cart - eCommerce

Your eCommerce website needs to be inviting and appealing to customer. A great eCommerce site is a necessary starting point for a successful marketing strategy, which will increase traffic to your online storefront. Are you interested in increased sales of the products or services you offer? If so, let’s chat!