Five Techwe are
Jul 22, 2009

New Web Design Project For The Mental Health Association Of Minnesota

Five Technology is excited to announce the release of the new website for the Mental Health Association of Minnesota (MHAM).  This non-profit was the state’s first mental health advocacy and education organization founded in 1939.

MHAM works to meet the needs of the mental health community, respond to those needs, and work to make positive changes in the lives of individuals and in public policy.  The organization had utilized a web presence for the past 10 years, but the old website lacked many features and usability.

This Non-profit Web Design Project Included:

  • Custom web design based on their new logo & colors
  • SMC platform for full website content management
  • Blog component for news & updates from MHAM
  • Improved content structure & usability
  • Search engine friendly design & search engine optimization
  • User account management for interactive & communication features
  • Discussion board integration
  • 3rd Party donation solution

One of MHAM’s biggest desires was to create an easy to use interface/account for their community to interact with each other and become aware of the organization’s offerings.  Five created myMHAM and gave users the ability to easily create an account that allows them to interact on the message board, comment on mental health blog posts, select email list inclusions and receive the MHAM newsletter (mailed).


We’re excited about the new web design, the platform and the website features we put together in working with the MHAM staff.  We have no doubt that this new marketing and communication tool will contribute to their continued success and work within the mental health community.