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Jun 6, 2014

The Basics of Content Marketing

In PR Daily’s article by Rebecca Scully, “Content Marketing Strategy’s Fabulous Five”, Scully outlines some general approaches to consider when it comes to choosing the right elements for your content marketing strategy. We’ll take a look at a few of them.

Blog Writing

Having your own blog that sits on your website is perfect collateral for driving traffic and showing expertise in your area. Your blog is a type of platform to discuss topical points and reactions to trends and events. If you provide something useful, your audience will frequently return and share the content, ensuring that it travels as far and wide as possible.

Social Media

Interesting and compelling content drives successful social media campaigns, and by making your audience part of the stories you tell, you can generate significant traffic around your brand. The more followers and impact your company has on social media sites such as Google+, Facebook, or Twitter, the more likely they are to recommend your brand. Connecting with your followers is important to maintain a friendly and trustworthy relationship. Interaction and engagement with your audience is crucial when expanding your networks.


Visuals continue to consitute a crucial component when you’re choosing what you want to push out across social platforms. Choose the right visual for the arena you’re sharing in — whether that’s an image, video, infographic, or animation — and you will see audience engagement levels increase.

Direct Marketing

Interacting directly with your audience via email or newsletter is most certainly not dead…yet. Communicating regularly with loyal and prospective customers and rewarding them with something unique and personal will be seen as a treat. Generic mail-outs that scream advertising will probably just be ignored. The content you create must be integrated into this approach and offer something more than just email.

Chalkboard with words "back to school"

Content marketing is a must for businesses to have a lot of success online, but your content efforts will plateau if you don’t properly strategize before implementing your content marketing. Strategy can be hard, we can help. If you have more questions on how to enhance your website with content marketing, let’s chat!

Read the full article by Rebecca Scully