With 90 percent of American adults owning a cell phone and almost 60 percent owning a smartphone, the mobile marketing field is a force to be reckoned with. This is about 240 million people marketers can reach through mobile marketing efforts. Smartphones allow people to be constantly connected through social media and apps, which makes marketing blunders and fails very fast-moving stories.
60SecondMarketer.com provides four mobile marketing mistakes that you should always avoid:
So you’ve heard how to make a great mobile site, but you don’t see what mobile sites have to do with your business. That can hurt you more than you know since IBM reported that online sales over the 2013 Cyber Monday rose 20%, with over 17% of all online sales coming from mobile devices. That’s an over 50% increase from 2012. In addition, a 2013 study from Google found that 84% of all smartphone users use their phones for shopping research, and that most of those shoppers do that research while they are physically in the store.
Failing to properly market your business and products or services on mobile platforms forces you out of a substantial mobile marketing opportunity. With the majority of social media platforms being accessed via mobile devices, take up ad space on mobile platforms to maximize your return of investment. If you’re using Google’s mobile advertising, specifically AdWords, look into Full Value of Mobile to measure the cost and return of your marketing efforts.
If you simply transfer your desktop website, with all its screen space, to a mobile platform, you’ll end up with a site that is cluttered with too much information that is too small to read. Instead, treat your mobile platform as an opportunity to pare down all your website content into only what is most valuable to customers.
Essentially, it’s vital strip down the full website to what is most vital to your company’s conversion process. Include the essentials needed to convert that viewer into a customer. Why is it important? According to an ACM Transactions on the Web article, you only have six, or at the most eight seconds before most users will lose interest and move on.
Don’t have a mobile site or think that yours is too cluttered? One way to get a good-looking mobile site is to use a responsive web design for your website. This takes the work out of translating your website into a mobile site, as the site is set up to automatically redesign into a user-friendly page on any size screen.
Space Chimp Media has a good breakdown of when a responsive design is a good idea. For example, the responsive design makes it easy to update all platforms at once instead of going into each one. Why would you want to stay with the mobile site set up? Responsive design can be pricey if it means redesigning an already existing website. It can also create a mobile site that includes well-designed but lengthy pages, which in turn slow down loading time. Slower download times can mean fewer views.
Now that you have the mobile site covered, it is time to think about apps. Don’t think you are done with an app once you’ve launched it. While there is a recognized rise and fall of activity on a downloaded app over 90 months, you can help or hurt your numbers by what you do with the app once it is on the market. First, nothing infuriates users more than an app with bugs, so don’t skip the beta testing and keep the updates coming whenever you find a bug.
For promotion, you can drop the price of a paid app or make it free for a day to generate some buzz and get more people to try it out. And you still need to promote an app once it is out, and push notifications can be a great way to do this. Push notifications pop up in third party applications, which gives you the freedom and ability to market towards an even more targeted audience. A survey by Responsys found that at least 68% of app users had enabled push notifications for the apps they use.
It’s very important not to be intimidated by the wave of mobile device usage, but to embrace it as another tool in your marketing efforts. If done correctly, you can multiply your conversion percentage by catering to the generation of handheld devices.
If your business would like to utilize mobile marketing, let’s chat! We’re here for all of your mobile and Internet marketing needs.
Read the full article from The 60 Second Marketer.