Five Techwe are
Mar 17, 2010

Website Content: A Simple Checklist

content-king-crownThe importance of content online is often summed up in the statement “content is king”. Maybe you have championed this statement for years or maybe you struggle to see how this might be true.

So let’s keep it simple. Here are just a few items to consider with your website content.  Read your content, does it accomplish the items on this simple content checklist?

  • Content is what answers questions
  • Content is what builds trust
  • Content is what educates
  • Content is what makes you an expert
  • Content is what ranks in Google
  • Content is what attracts a link
  • Content is what sparks conversation
  • Content is what provides clarity
  • Content is what makes you different
  • Content is what motivates the next click
  • Content is what converts a visitor, to a client

Solid content, when combined with a good web design is a dynamic duo. Your content is darn important. In most projects, it’s more important than the design. Don’t forget that.

While creating content that hits upon all of these elements can be a challenge, writing with them in mind is a great start that will put you ahead. While others are writing to “sound cool”, you’ll be creating real value that actually interacts with your website visitors.