While there is no specific rule of thumb in web design for when you should redesign your website, there are many factors that signal it is time to revamp things. I addressed this topic in our August e-letter and decided to post it to our blog as well.
Are you in need of a website redesign? Here are some points that might be telling you it’s time.
+ Time
If you want to consider timeframe as one rule, an industry average is every 2 to 4 years. Design evolves, your competitors improve their website, your brand grows and you need to keep things fresh. If you haven’t touched the visual interface of your site in 5 years, please seek help!
+ Functionality & Features
Many companies are looking to add features and better functions to their website. This is a perfect time to give the site a fresh coat of paint as well as roll out new tools. It might be the need to move to a content management system or to integrate specific functions like e-commerce or user profile accounts. Whatever the technical need is, a redesign can be more than just a visual touch-up.
+ Usability Issues
Some sites lack an easy to use navigation structure or have simply become larger than they were designed for. A redesign can incorporate an improved structure, utilize drop down navigation and other elements to make the site easier to use and convert more business. I’m always amazed, but there are still so many sites out there with random navigation features on every page. Yikes!
+ Search Engine Optimization
If you are lacking traffic from Google and Yahoo, then a redesign combined with proper coding and content structure can help. A site designed the right way and coded the right way can attract search engine traffic the right way.
+ Drab, Boring, Unprofessional
Sure this one is obvious. Just plain looking better is a great reason. Many websites are too basic as they were built to get something “up and out there”, have gone untouched for years and they have become old news. A redesign can freshen up your look, brand you apart from your competitors and show your dedication to future success and more. There are so many incredible web design and layout techniques we can employ in today’s world of web design to make you stand out!
The best part is while just one reason above may be driving your website redesign needs, you can address multiple deficiencies or challenges during your redesign. This can allow you to get more value and bang for the buck. If you are wanting a few more signals on when to redesign this post has 11 Signs on time for a website redesign.