Five Techwe are
Mar 20, 2009

We’re Guilty Of A Great Law Firm Web Design

Five launched a new web design project this past week for the Minnesota and Wisconsin law firm Hansen, Dordell, Bradt, Odlaug & Bradt, PLLP.

web-design-lawfirm-425 now has a new interface design, content management platform, enhanced attorney profiles and a search engine friendly website.

HDBOB’s past website was focused on the firm’s strong history, but didn’t offer a clear view to their current capabilities and offering. The old site also had some technical obstacles for search engines like Google and Yahoo to correctly index and understand their content.

Web Design Project Features:


The final website project result is something both Five and HDBOB is proud of. If we’re charged with “reckless creativity”, so be it. We figure the HDBOB law practice areas can cover getting us out of trouble.

Check out another great site from Five!