Five Techwe are
Jul 12, 2009

Logo Design Project Goes Clean & Green

While our main focus at Five Technology is usually web related, we won’t turn away the opportunity for great creative work in other forms when asked.  Easiway Systems of Minnesota wanted us to design their new logo as they sought to align their brand with their trusted reputation, outstanding product line and then launch a new e-commerce website.

Over the last 20 years, EasiWay has grown to be a leader in the screen printing industry, making the most efficient and environmentally friendly screen cleaning and reclaiming products and solutions.  They desired a new look that was crisp, clean, had a water element and a touch of green.

Here are are initial logo design concepts:

Logo design for Easiway Minnesota

EasiWay was impressed and excited with their design choices and it made narrowing down a few to explore difficult.  Through further discussion and ideas, one logo design concept was chosen to work from.  We then presented  a few versions and ultimately came up with a winner.

EasiWay’s new logo design:


The team at Easiway Systems was great to work with and we are now creating their new product labels as well as their e-commerce enabled website.  Stay tuned for the launch of the new website in the near future.