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Jul 29, 2014

Strategies and Tactics for Pinterest Marketing Success

Pinterest is one of the many social media platforms that your business should definitely consider utilizing. Through beautiful images and easy-to-use “pinning”, this website has taken the online community by storm. Following its launch in 2010, Pinterest provided a way for users to simply share and create image collections for hobbies, style, business, and more. Whether you’re a business owner connecting with your users through images or simply trying to redecorate your home, Pinterest has something to offer for anyone. provides the best recommended tools you should use for your Pinterest marketing.

Key Statistics and Demographics

According to Moz, Pinterest has about 20 million monthly active users. Each day, there are 5 million “article pins”. Women are five times as likely as men to use Pinterest. Also, Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit combined.

How are People Using Pinterest?

Image based sharing is becoming increasingly important for brands and consumers alike. The effectiveness of imagery has led sites such as Pinterest and Instagram to quickly become the new staples in daily digital life. In a world where people don’t really want to spend a lot of time reading, rich media helps users share, communicate, and consume stories quickly and easily in meaningful ways.

Strategies and Tactics for Success

Engagement: According to Moz, the Pinterest community is quickly growing and can be very engaged. This is a great opportunity for your consumers to interact with you, so be sure to pay attention to your comments for opportunities to have conversations. Thay may be asking questions or just offering words of praise or concern.

Discoverability: Moz recommends to set up your site to be shared on Pinterest. Make sure the social sharing buttons on your content pages are easy to find and use. Directing people’s attention to your Pinterest page will also help them find your content and enable sharing in new ways. Also, don’t forget to implement appropriate tracking so you know how well things are or aren’t working!

Content Strategy

Highlight Customers– Highlight your customers using your product, content they’ve created, or even their stories. It will appeal to their natural desire to be acknowledged and included. This also helps them feel like they’ve added value back to their community and instills a sense of ownership.

Know Your Audience– Know everything you can about your audience, and give them what they want to see. Humor works particularly well on video, for example, and beautiful imagery of any kind tends to work incredibly well on Pinterest.

Behind the Scenes– Give your audience a look behind the curtain by showcasing behind-the-scenes pictures of what your company is up to next. This increases the feelings of getting special limited content, and thereby, their affinity to your brand.

Your company’s Pinterest page is a vital tool you can use to better engage with your audience and build customer trust and affinity. Is your business taking the right steps to effective brand your company through Pinterest? At Five Technology, we can help your company with all of its social media marketing needs. Hit us up if you’d like to get started!