If you’ve been to a conference, workshop or presentation lately you’ve noticed. If you haven’t been able to make it to an event you wanted to … you’ve noticed. Twitter is buzzing with links, takeaways, highlights, photos and more everyday, from people at great events. Twitter is making events better. Heads Down Is A Good Thing There was a time when a presenter would shudder at half the ...
Read MoreThe Local University series continues to pull off great Internet marketing events, with Denver being the latest. At each of the Local U stops I’ve been a part of, the information, attendees interaction and speakers seem to get better. A cool aspect of Denver was having attendee’s coming from afar to get their local search goods from New Mexico, Arizona, Nebraska and even Japan. I’m not that surprised though when you consider the ...
Read MoreLooking for a local business, service or product starts online for close to 3 out of every 4 consumers. I’m guessing that number reported by a recent Local Search Usage Study isn’t alarming to consumers or business owners these days. What continues to be alarming for me is the number of businesses that lack correct information online, multiple sources to be found by and online marketing strategies (no matter how small they might be). Inc. ...
Read MoreThe latest Five Technology web design project is for COMPAR , a Minnesota technology and computer products reseller. New Web Design The old web design for COMPAR was out of date, lacked proper navigation and content structure. The new web design focused on aligning best web practices with a design that represented their brand today and where they are headed in the future. Content pages, like their technology solutions page, were enhanced ...
Read MoreI had the great opportunity to attend and speak at the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association Summit over the past 2 days in Minneapolis. The event featured Gary Vaynerchuk and Baratunde Thurston as keynotes and a couple dozen other great marketing and Internet minds from the Twin Cities and beyond. The event was rock solid and I enjoyed sessions on web analytics, content strategy, online community building, mobile and ...
Read MoreIf you are near Minnesota or Colorado you have the opportunity to take in some great search engine optimization and local search knowledge with two great search seminars scheduled. I’m excited to be speaking at both of them and hope you make it out, learn and say hello! MIMA Summit 2010 – September 27th & 28th The Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association’s annual Summit is an event to be reckoned with. I’m excited to ...
Read MoreI had something happen this morning that has never happened in the 10+ years I’ve been designing and developing websites. I received a call from the client, of our client , to let us know how impressed and satisfied she was with their website. Again, it wasn’t our client … it was the end-user of the website, a general consumer. Wow. Of course this is one person’s opinion, but the fact they took the time to locate that we had ...
Read MoreBreathe deep, relax and now reach out to view our latest web design project for Heat Yoga Studio . Heat is a new yoga studio in Blaine, MN that offers classes featuring hot yoga techniques in a 104 degree controlled room. Heat also asked Five to assist them in the design of their logo and photography. The website features the introduction information needed for someone new to the hot yoga concept. You’ll also find information on the yoga ...
Read MoreThe efforts and investment in your business having a well designed website that ranks well on Google, Bing and other search engines is mostly geared at generating leads and new business. Consider that you also get a bleed of other benefits when your web design is solid and your site has search engine credibility . 4 Quarters Design & Build is a Five Tech client that witnessed this bleed first hand. Their recently redesigned website earned them ...
Read MoreGreat people make a small business tick. Great people also help keep our freedom while the rest of us go about our small business. Five Technology programmer Travis Neiderhiser will be leaving his desk later this month to head to Afghanistan with his Army Reserve Unit, the 407th Civil Affairs Battalion of Minnesota. Army Specialist Neiderhiser (soon to be Sergeant) will be leaving Five’s friendly confines for a 400 day tour as his unit operates in ...
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